All features

  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • Clean pure CSS Design
  • Fully compatible Firefox 3+, IE8+, Chrome and mobile devices
  • Lightweight and fast-loading
  • Responsive design (change the size of your browser to see the difference). You can disable this option.
  • Include Font Awesome 4
  • CSS3 animations
  • 3, 2 or 1 column layout
  • 16 widget positions
  • Choose the width of the website, the left and right column
  • Set the color of active link, main menu items, article title H1 and H2
  • 600+ Google fonts available for all these items
  • Display or not your social links
  • Put the tracking code of Google analytics in Theme manager.
  • Display or not the Scroll to top button
  • Sticky menu option
  • Typography (list, header module, quotation, …)
  • Include a manual to explain the module positions and typography.

Note : this demo use the free pugin Display-Widgets, the free slideshow Meta Slider and the free lightbox „Responsive Lightbox”

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